Friday, April 10, 2015

15 Minute Meal- Sirloin and Asparagus

Rediscover Your Broiler

Finished in 15 minutes
As a (retired) chef, I love to cook. I love complex meals with many sauces and sides. I love cooking for hours, even days in advance, to make an epic plate of food. But, running a business, caring for the darling peanut and sweet hubs, that doesn't happen too often. So my go-to meals are usually simple ingredients, cooked easily in an hour to so. But that is sometimes too long! So, time to break out what in our house is the most underused feature in the kitchen- the broiler. 

Broilers, or in the restaurant kitchen, a salamander, bring the heat from the top down. A broiler is often used as a last minute finish to a dish- adding color, crisping skin, melting cheese. But you can also cook a great meal in one pan, in 15 minutes no less. 

Ingredients: A couple sirloins or strip steaks, a bunch of asparagus, olive oil and salt and pepper.

Turn the broiler on, line a sheet pan with foil, toss asparagus with olive oil and s&p
S&P steaks, and place above veggies on a metal cooling rack
Broiled for 6 minutes. Flip steaks for another 5 minutes. Done!
Perfectly cooked for us, add a minute or two if you like it more done. 
You can mix it up with spice rubs, different oils or clarified butter, other cuts of meat. Enjoy!

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